Brand Management : A Southern African Perspective by Nicole Cunningham

Brand Management : A Southern African Perspective by Nicole Cunningham

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ISBN: 9780627037153

Van Schaik Publishers, 21 January 2021

 Paperback, 364 pages

Today, companies are competing on a daily basis for their consumers' attention and spending power. This has become increasingly difficult as new companies enter the marketplace offering the same or very similar products and services, making it difficult for consumers to differentiate between them.

To overcome this, companies use branding to create a favourable and memorable perception in the mind of consumers. However, not all companies manage to achieve this, as brand management is an intricate process.

Brand management provides a comprehensive understanding of brand management by detailing how branding can be used to develop favourable brand equity. Brand management is unique among other textbooks of its kind in that it provides a southern African perspective but compares it with other contexts, thereby presenting a more comprehensive explanation of brand management and its importance.

Each chapter consists of various examples as well as a scenario or case study, applying every element of the theory. Brand management is aimed at undergraduate marketing students.