Digital and Microprocessor Fundamentals by Kleitz, William
ISBN: 9780130932174
Prentice Hall | 01 January 2003
Hardback | 588 pages
Focusing on the "must know" essentials, this volume provides single-volume coverage of the fundamentals of both digital electronics and microprocessors-helping users become proficient at both hardware and software principles. It uses a simple, easy-to-understand writing style, an abundance of clearly explained examples, and nearly 1,000 illustrations to explore practical applications and problems using industry-standard ICs, circuits, and schematics that users will encounter on the job. The volume encompasses digital number systems and representations, logic gate operation and specifications, logic circuits and reduction techniques, data control devices, flip-flops and sequential logic, counter circuits and shift registers, interfacing to the analog world, microprocessor memory and programmable logic devices, microprocessor fundamentals, an introduction to 8085A software and hardware, the 8085A software instruction set, interfacing and applications and the 8051 microcontroller.