The Genus Rhipicephalus by Walker, Jane B.
ISBN: 9780521019774
Cambridge University Press 01 January 2005
Paperback 656"pages
Ticks in the genus Rhipicephalus include many important vectors of animal and human pathogens, but many species are notoriously difficult to identify, particularly at immature stages. This reference provides identification keys for adult ticks from the Afrotropical regions and elsewhere. For the nymphs and larvae, unique plates have been compiled in which line drawings of the capitula of similar species are grouped together to facilitate identification. The authors give brief, well-illustrated descriptions of the known stages of every species, plus information on their hosts, distribution, and disease relationships. The book also includes tables providing data on host/parasite relationships and disease transmission, making this the definitive reference source on this group for all those interested in acarology, veterinary or medical parasitology, and entomology.