Elasticity and Geomechanics by Davis, R. O.
ISBN: 9780521498272
Cambridge University Press | 30 November 2009
Paperback | 216 pages
This book concisely examines the use of elasticity in solving geotechnical engineering problems. In a highly illustrated and user-friendly format, it provides a thorough grounding in the linear theory of elasticity and an understanding of the applications, for upper level students in civil engineering and engineering geology. The first two chapters present a basic framework of the theory of elasticity and describe test procedures for the determination of elastic parameters for soils. Chapters 3 and 4 present the fundamental solutions of Boussinesque, Kelvin and Mindlin and use these to formulate solutions to problems of practical interest in geotechnical engineering. The book concludes with a sequence of appendices designed to provide the interested student with details of elasticity theory which are peripheral to the main text. Each chapter includes a set of questions for the student to answer.