Diagnostic Ultrasound: Physics and Equipment by Hoskins, Peter R.
ISBN: 9780521757102
Cambridge University Press | 27 June 2014
Paperback | 276 pages
All healthcare professionals practicing ultrasound in a clinical setting should receive accredited training in the principles and practice of ultrasound scanning. This second edition of Diagnostic Ultrasound: Physics and Equipment provides a comprehensive introduction to the physics, technology and safety of ultrasound equipment, with high quality ultrasound images and diagrams throughout. It covers all aspects of the field at a level intended to meet the requirements of UK sonography courses. New to this edition: * Updated descriptions of ultrasound technology, quality assurance and safety. * Additional chapters dedicated to 3D ultrasound, contrast agents and elastography. * New glossary containing definitions of over 500 terms. The editors and contributing authors are all authorities in their areas, with contributions to the scientific and professional development of ultrasound at national and international level.