Dictionaries: The Art and Craft of Lexicography by Landau, Sidney I.
Cambridge University Press, 30 April 2001
Paperback 496 pages
This second edition of Sidney I. Landau's landmark work offers a comprehensive and completely up-to-date description of how dictionaries are researched and written, with particular attention to the ways in which computer technology has changed modern lexicography. Landau has an insider's practical knowledge of making dictionaries and every feature of the dictionary is examined and explained. Written in a readable style, free of jargon and unnecessary technical language, it will appeal to readers with no specialist knowledge of the field, as well as to professional lexicographers.
Editorial Reviews
"No other introduction to lexicography outshines the limpid style of Dictionaries or the rich balance of its contents." Journal of the Dictionary Society of America
"Here is a new thing under the sun: a virtually exhaustive treatment of lexicography...should be required reading for all lexicographers and can be heartily recommended to everyone else who cares to know what dictionaries are like and how to use them to best advantage." The Times Literary Supplement
Book Description
This second edition offers a comprehensive and completely up-to-date description of how dictionaries are researched and written.