New Dimensions by Silverberg, Robert
ISBN: 9780575021730
Gollancz | 01 January 1976
Hardback | 247 pages
This is the sixth in a series of annual collections dedicated to presenting the most original and significant science fiction being written today. All stories in New Dimensions are being published here for the first time. The contributors have one thing in common: the desire to explore new territory, to dicover new ways of approaching the ideas, images and assumptions of classic science fiction. Old formulas and exhausted cliches are unwelcome here: New Dimensions seeks writers whose visions are exciting and unique.
Of the dozen contributors to this issue, only four - Farmer, Tiptree, Malzberg, and Effinger - are reasonably familiar to regular readers of science fiction. Two - Randall and Gotschalk - have appeared in previous issues. Two - Reamy and Pollack - have had stories published in other anthologies recently. And the rest - Girard, Jeffers, Tincrowdor, and Marshak - are reaching print for the first time in a widely distributed publication. The editor, Robert Silverberg, finds it a cause for optimism that there are so many good new writers suddenly making the science fiction scene.