Language for Study Level 1 Student's Book with Downloadable Audio by Henstock, Claire
ISBN: 9781107689190
Cambridge University Press, 06 September 2015
Paperback, 214 pages
Skills and Language for Study is a three-level course (B1+ to C1) in academic skills and language aimed at students preparing for university-level studies in English. Academic skills and language are introduced through lectures and authentic academic texts in two complementary books. The core Skills for Study book focuses on the academic skills required to function effectively in a university environment whereas Language for Study explores the language needed to practise those skills. Language for Study Level 1 (B1+ to B2) provides language needed for expressing opinions, paraphrasing, comparing texts and summarising information. Additionally, it provides analysis of key grammatical, phonological and lexical features of the texts presented in Skills for Study. Complete course audio material is downloadable at www.cambridge.org/elt/forstudy