Eye-Tracking: A Guide for Applied Linguistics Research by Conklin, Kathy
ISBN: 9781108401203
Cambridge University Press, 15 March 2018
Paperback, 244 pages
Eye-tracking is quickly becoming a valuable tool in applied linguistics research as it provides a 'real-time', direct measure of cognitive processing effort. This book provides a straightforward introduction to the technology and how it might be used in language research. With a strong focus on the practicalities of designing eye-tracking studies that achieve the standard of other well-established experimental techniques, it provides valuable information about building and designing studies, touching on common challenges and problems, as well as solutions. Importantly, the book looks at the use of eye-tracking in a wide variety of applied contexts including reading, listening and multi-modal input, writing, testing, corpus linguistics, translation, stylistics, and computer-mediated communication. Each chapter finishes with a simple checklist to help researchers use eye-tracking in a wide variety of language studies. Discussion is grounded in concrete examples, which will allow users coming to the technology for the first time to gain the knowledge and confidence to use it to produce high quality research.
Editorial Reviews
'This practical guide to the application of eye-tracking technology will be key in realising the potential of this methodology to further our understanding of language processing. The book will inform and inspire researchers working across and beyond applied linguistics who are, or are considering, using eye-tracking data in their work.' Tess Fitzpatrick, Swansea University
Book Description
A broad and inclusive guide that makes eye-tracking understandable, accessible and achievable for language researchers.
About the Author
Kathy Conklin is an Associate Professor in Psycholinguistics at the University of Nottingham. She has expertise in the use of eye-tracking to understand processing in a first and a second language.
Ana Pellicer-S�nchez is a Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics and TESOL at the University College London, Institute of Education. Her research centres on the teaching and learning of vocabulary in a second and foreign language and makes use of eye-tracking.
Gareth Carrol is a Lecturer in Psycholinguistics and a researcher in figurative and formulaic language at the University of Birmingham. His work focuses on idioms and utilises psycholinguistics methods, principally eye-tracking, to investigate questions relating to processing, learning and use in first and second language speakers.