International tax law : Offshore tax avoidance in South Africa by Oguttu, A.
ISBN: 9781485101215
Juta & Company Ltd | 07 February 2017
Paperback | 822 pages
International tax law: Offshore tax avoidance in South Africa provides a comprehensive analysis of some of the offshore tax-avoidance schemes employed by South African residents. The book offers a detailed and logical explanation of difficult international tax concepts, and critically analyses the effectiveness of South African legislation in curbing offshore tax-avoidance schemes. South African legislative provisions are compared with similar provisions in the United Kingdom and the United States of America, and international case law and tax treaty implications are thoroughly discussed. International tax law: Offshore tax avoidance in South Africa also addresses the recommendations of international organisations, such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which seek to prevent international tax avoidance. In this regard, the role of tax havens in encouraging international tax avoidance and the OECD initiatives to stifle their development are considered. The OECD's efforts to prevent base erosion and profit shifting are also examined.