A Daughter's Legacy by Pamphilia Hlapa (Author)
ISBN: 9781869140854
Publisher : University Of KwaZulu-Natal Press; First Edition (March 1, 2006)
Paperback : 171 pages
...what I know and what I have seen, I will tell. Things did happen to me and to other girls right in front of me. By silencing me, you let it happen to me and others, but I cannot let it happen to the daughters of the world, the daughters I might have...I have found the strength to want to leave a different legacy for my children, both girls and boys. --- A Daughter's Legacy is the story of Kedibone's journey from childhood to parenthood, from the dusty streets of her home village to the modern worlds of university and working life. Determination and resilience battle with fear and insecurity in Kedibone's searing engagement with relationships and personal growth. This novel is a bold and necessary statement that exposes the taboos and abuse that a male-dominated culture allows, if not engenders. It breaks the silence and connivance in a way that has never been done before.