Collected Essay of Raymond Charles Barker (Mentors of New Thought Series)
ISBN: 0875165788
Raymond Charles Barker has long been recognised by many as the person who more than anyone since founder Ernest Holmes did the most for Religious Science and its teaching Science of Mind. Dr. Raymond Barker planted this tradition firmly in New York Citywhere he held forth at the prestigious 14 East 48th Street church Lincoln Center's vast auditorium on Sundays and the airways of New York radio station WOR. Dr. Barker richly exemplified the success he taught to many thousands. One of his notable characteristics was the ability to speak plainly and unlike so many of his peers he was not afraid to be just a little bit outrageous. MONEY IS GOD IN ACTION created a minor sensation when it was announced as the title of the following Sunday's talk on the Religious Notices page of the New York Times. Equating God with money was unheard of in New York and from then on New York was never the same neither was Dr. Barkers attendance on Sunday requiring ever larger meeting places.