Constructing a Good Dissertation by Erik Hofstee
ISBN: 9780958500715
Publisher: Exactica, June 2006
Paperback, 300 pages
Constructing a good dissertation is a guide to writing good dissertations. The approach is both practical and sensible. The entire dissertation process is broken down into manageable pieces. What to do, when to do it, the sense behind doing it, and how to do it efficiently are explained in a clear and easily understood way. Checklists and online support are included: Strategies for success before researching or writing; manage the dissertation project; structure the dissertation; find a doable topic and identify an appropriate problem in it; do effective preliminary and detailed research; write proposals that work; plan and write the 'big five' - introduction, literature review, method chapter, body, conclusion; work effectively with supervisors; avoid common errors; mark your own dissertation before handling it in; pass cum laude.