Law of Persons BY Boezaart, T
ISBN: 9781485137368
Juta, 2021
Soft Cover
About this publication
Law of Persons, now in its seventh edition, has become a standard text on the South African law of persons. The book was first published in 1995, just after the dawn of South Africa’s first democratic dispensation. The book constitutes a general and fully referenced source on the law of persons, and reflects the transformation of the law of persons in line with the values entrenched in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, with specific reference to the Bill of Rights. The book’s systematic approach and comprehensive overview make it suitable as a textbook.
Trynie Boezaart (previously writing under the name CJ Davel) has authored Law of Persons since the book was first published. She is Professor Emeritus at the University of Pretoria, founder of the Centre for Child Law at the University of Pretoria, Director of the Centre for Child Law until 2008, and an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa. She has served as an Acting Judge in the High Court and was the Head of the Department of Private Law at the University of Pretoria for more than eight years. Furthermore, she enjoys international recognition for research in child law and the law of persons, has lectured extensively in the law of persons for more than three decades, and has published widely on numerous aspects of the law of persons and related fields.
- Definition of Concepts
- Beginning of Legal Subjectivity
- Domicile
- Effect of Age on Status
- Children Born of Unmarried Parents
- Diverse Factors which Influence Status
- Termination of Legal Subjectivity
- Lecturers and students