Make Your Money Work for You: Think Big, Start Small - Anthea Gardner (Author)
ISBN: 9781868429707
PUBLISHER: Johnathan Ball Publishers
FORMAT: Paperback (216 Pages)
DESCRIPTION: DO YOU DREAM of a future free of financial stress? One where you can afford to start your own business, travel or retire comfortably? In Make Your Money Work For You, investment specialist Anthea Gardner shows you how to 'sweat your assets' and grow your wealth to achieve these dreams - and you won't even need a degree in accounting.
Gardner makes the world of investing accessible by:
Illustrating why it's important to know the difference between saving and investing
Explaining key terms, from 'unit trusts' and 'retirement annuities' to 'compound interest'
Clarifying the role of different players, such as financial advisors and asset managers
Describing how easy it is to buy shares on the stock market
You don't need millions to start. You can launch your financial future by investing just R100 a month. It's time to take action and make your money work for you.