Mine Health & Safety Act 29 of 1996 & Regulations by Juta Statutes
ISBN: 9781485151975
Juta & Co. 31 October 2018
Soft cover, 677 pages
Further Legislative Developments
Guidance Note on Medico-Legal Investigations of Mine Deaths published with effect from 31 March 2019 (GN 651 in GG 42451 of 10 May 2019) (p82)
Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Management of Self-Contained Self-Rescuers in Mines published with effect from 1 July 2020 (GN 27 in GG 42956 of 17 January 2020) (p48)
Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Prevention of Flammable Gas and Coal Dust Explosions in Collieries published with effect from 1 July 2020 (GN 28 in GG 42956 of 17 January 2020) (p68)
Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Management of Working in Confined Spaces at Mines published with effect from 1 July 2020 (GN 29 in GG 42956 of 17 January 2020) (p125)
Guidance Note for the Implementation of HIV Self-testing in the South African Mining Industry published with effect from 1 July 2020 (GN 30 in GG 42956 of 17 January 2020) (p149)
Guidance Note on Strengthening the HCT (HIV Counselling and Testing) Uptake in the South African Mining Industry published with effect from 1 July 2020 (GN 31 in GG 42956 of 17 January 2020) (p160)
Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Mitigation and Management of COVID-19 Outbreak published with effect from 25 May 2020 (GenN 280 in GG 43335 of 18 May 2020) (p3)