NZASM 100: 1887-1899, the Buildings, Steam Engines and Structures of the Netherlands South African Railway Company
The history of the NZASM is one charged with emotion and nobody can, upon reading it, escape the feeling of drama and pathos which marked its short life-span encompassing the period from 1887 to the Anglo-Boer War. The NZASM was controversial, yet loved for its abiding loyalty to the Transvaal Republic. However, this book is more than a history of the NZASM. As much as the Dutch influenced other parts of South Africa, especially the Cape, so much and more did the Dutch of the NZASM leave their impression on the Transvaal landscape. If this publication succeeds in reminding South Africans of the priceless heritage that they have in the form of railway buildings and structures - a significance deeply understood and supported by the South African Transport Services - then it really has been worth the work and the effort.