Psychogenic Movement Disorders and Other Conversion Disorders by Mark Hallett (Editor),
ISBN: 9781107007345
Publisher : Cambridge University Press; 1st edition (January 16, 2012)
Hardcover : 336 pages
Conversion is very common but often misdiagnosed; even when diagnosed, treatment is difficult. It is critical for physicians to have the necessary knowledge to manage these patients in the most effective way. This volume gives all of the available, up-to-date information on when to think about conversion in movement disorders, how to make a diagnosis, how to use the laboratory to support a clinical diagnosis and how to develop a therapeutic plan. Written by experts in neurology, psychiatry, psychology, neuroimaging, neurophysiology and genetics, this book covers psychogenic movement disorders and other conversion disorders from all of the most relevant clinical angles. An accompanying CD-ROM with a video library featuring over 100 real-life examples of movement disorders will aid diagnosis. Neurologists and psychiatrists, as well as others interested in brain pathophysiology at the boundary of neurology and psychiatry, will find this a useful aid to both clinical practice and research.