Reading "Capital" Today: Marx after 150 Years by Ingo Schmidt
ISBN: 9780745399713
Publisher : Pluto Press ,April 15, 2017
Material: Paperback, 214 pages
Recent years have seen a surge of interest in Marxian political economy, particularly evident by the resurgence of readers picking up Marx’s most famous work, Capital. Now 150 years after its original publication, there are still fresh interpretations of Capital that can help readers find new pathways to progressive or revolutionary change.
Marking the 150th anniversary of its publication, Reading “Capital” Today offers a wide range of leading thinkers’ reflections on this influential text—its political legacy, its limitations, and its continuing relevance in our world. Highlighting issues such as ecology, gender, race, labor, communism, the Third World, and imperialism, contributors also identify the connections between Capital and various socialist projects of the past, drawing lessons from those experiences that might contribute to the reinvention of socialist politics today.