Seasons come to pass by Helen Moffett (3rd edition)
ISBN: 9780199059300
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press; 2013
FORMAT: Paperback; 302 pages
DESCRIPTION: Drawing on fifteen centuries of poetry from all over the world, the third edition of Seasons come to pass: A poetry anthology for Southern African students continues to make poetry relevant and accessible to students in southern Africa. The anthology includes unusual, erotic, witty, and political poems, presented in chronological order. A wide range of poets is included, from classics and old favourites to fresh new voices.
This anthology offers support and guidance by providing a clear overview of the important movements in the history of the English language and its literature, as well as detailed notes on critical analysis and techniques for writing essays and exams. The aim is to encourage students to develop the confidence to express their ideas in writing. Practical examples are given of how to come to grips with poetry, and develop critical and analytical skills. Poems are brought alive through supporting notes that tackle contemporary and controversial concerns.