Strategic Management: Southern African Concepts & Cases by Ehlers, T & Lazenby, K
ISBN 9780627027994
3rd edition
Publisher: Van Schaik 2010
427 pages
Soft cover
In a South African business environment characterised by change, turbulence and competitiveness, strategy is even more crucial today than ever before. Many people's lives and jobs are affected by strategic decisions, and far too often top management develops a strategy that is never communicated to or fully understood by other levels of management and employees, or is not even relevant to the future survival of the company. Strategic management explains the principles and application of the strategic management process, vital to the continued success of every organisation. This is the third edition of Strategic management, the first specifically southern African handbook on this subject. It emphasises the important role of corporate governance, with specific reference to the King III Report. Appropriate South African examples and case studies are used to illustrate the latest trends, particularly the history, development and strategy of South African Breweries (SAB Limited). Theory is applied to this cohesion case after every chapter of the book. Key terms, summary questions and answers, relevant websites and recommended reading lists are also provided. Strategic management will be invaluable not only to students of business management but also to organisations, from corporate companies with management training programmes to small business ventures struggling to hold their ground in a competitive environment.