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Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology by Beins, Bernard C.
Research Methods for Business Students by Adrian Thornhill
Research Methods for Engineers 1st Edition by David V. Thiel (Author)
Research Methods for Science by Marder, Michael P.
Research Methods in Business Studies by Ghauri, Pervez
Research Methods in Language Variation and Change by (Editor), Julia Schluter
Research Methods in Linguistics by Podesva, Robert J.
Researching and Writing Dissertations by Horn, Roy
Reservoirs of Potency: The Documentary Paintings of Stephen Townley Bassett
Reshaping Life : Key Issues in Genetic Engineering by Nossal, G. J. V.
Resilience by Southwick, Steven M.
Resistance against the Third Reich : 1933-1990 by Geyer, Michael
Resistance and Change in the International Law on Foreign Investment by M. Sornarajah (Author)
Resistance and Ideology in Settler Societies (Southern African Studies, Vol 4) by Tom Lodge
Resisting AI: An Anti-fascist Approach to Artificial Intelligence
Resocialising Europe in a Time of Crisis by Countouris, Nicola and Freedland Mark
Resolving Transfer Pricing Disputes : A Global Analysis by Baistrocchi, Eduardo
Restructuring Health Services : Changing Contexts and Comparative Perspectives by Sen, Kasturi
Resurrection By Leo Tolstoy
Retail Buying: From Basics to Fashion 6th Edition by Richard Clodfelter (Author)
Retail Management: A South African Perspective by Terblanche, N ed
Rethinking Corporatization and Public Services in the Global South by David A. McDonald (Editor)
Rethinking Heritage Language Education (Cambridge Education Research) by (Editor), Themistoklis Aravossitas
Rethinking Race in Modern Argentina by Alberto, Paulina
Rethinking West African Archaeology By Ogundele Oluwole
Reversing Urban Inequality In Johannesburg (Paperback) Melissa Tandiwe Myambo
Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology by Warren Levinson
Revolt: The Worldwide Uprising Against Globalization by Nadav Eyal (Author)
Revolution and Reaction by Matthews, Andrew
Revolution in Rojava: Democratic Autonomy and Women's Liberation in the Syrian Kurdistan by Michael Knapp (Author), Ercan Ayboga (Author), Anja Flach (Author), Janet Biehl (Translator)
Revolutionary Continuity Vol. 1: Marxist Leadership in the U. S., 1848-1917 by Farrell Dobbs
Revolutionary France's War of Conquest in the Rhineland : Conquering the Natural Frontier, 1792-1797 by Hayworth, Jordan R.