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Decima by Eben Venter (Signed)
Decision Making in Health and Medicine by Hunink, M. G. Myriam
Decisions under Uncertainty : Probabilistic Analysis for Engineering Decisions by Jordaan, Ian
Deckstyle by Joanna Smith
Decolonisation as Democratisation : Global Insights into the South African Experience by Siseko H. Kumalo
Decolonisation in Universities by Jansen, JD ed
Decolonising the Human : Reflections from Africa on difference and oppression by Steyn, Melissa
Decolonising the Mind - The Politics of Language in African Literature by Ngugi Wa Thiong`o
Decolonization, Self-Determination, and the Rise of Global Human Rights Politics (Human Rights in History) by (Editor), Marco Duranti
Decolonization: Unsung Heroes of the Resistance by Pierre Singaravélou (Author), Karim Miské (Author), Marc Ball (Author), Willard Wood (Translator)
Decolonizing and Reconstructing Africa : An Afro-Feminist-Legal Critique by Sylvia Tamale
Decorative Art 20s by Charlotte Fiell, Peter Fiell
Deep Work : Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport
Deep-Sea Fishes : Biology, Diversity, Ecology and Fisheries by Priede, Imants G.
Defending the Jury: Crime, Community, and the Constitution by Appleman, Laura I
Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials by Hertzberg, Richard W.
Democracy and the Discourse on Relevance Within the Academic Profession at Makerere University : Within the Academic Profession at Makerere University by Andrea Kronstad Felde
Democracy as Death : The Moral Order of Anti-Liberal Politics in South Africa by Jason Hickel
Democracy in the Political Present: A Queer-Feminist Theory by Isabell Lorey (Author)
Democracy More or Less : America's Political Reform Quandary by Cain, Bruce E.
Democracy Works: Rewiring Politics to Africa's Advantage by Mills, G. et al.
Democracy, Citizenship and Youth: Towards Social and Political Participation in Brazil by Anna Luiza Salles Souto
Democracy, Inequality and Corruption: Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines Compared by You, Jong-sung
Democratic Authority and the Separation of Church and State by Audi, Robert
Democratic Intergovernmental Organizations? : Normative Pressures and Decision-Making Rules by Grigorescu, Alexandru
Demons by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Author), Ronald Meyer (Editor), Robert A. Maguire (Translator), Robert Belknap (Introduction)
Demystifying marriage by Basil B Mugwena (paperback)
Depression, Anxiety, and Other Things We Don't Want to Talk About by Ryan Casey Waller
Derivations in Minimalism by Samuel David Epstein & T. Daniel Seely
Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy - Revised Edition by René Descartes by John Cottingham (Editor)
Descriptive Taxonomy by Watson, Mark F.
Design and Analysis of Long-term Ecological Monitoring Studies by Gitzen, Robert A.