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Lolita by Nabokov, V
London Lives by Hitchcock, Tim
Long-term Consequences of Early Environment by Henry, C. Jeya K.
Look No further Than within By Mafihla Maleka
Looking Back Reaching Forward : Reflections on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa by Verwoerd, Wilhelm
Looking Back, Reaching Forward by Charles Villa-Vincencio (Editor)
Looking back, reaching forward: Reflections on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa by Wilhelm Verwoerd (Author), Charles Villa-Vincenio (Editor)
Loonshots by Safi Bahcall
Lord Byron: Selected Poems
Lord of the Rings by Tolkein JRR
Losing You Tonight, 2-vol. set by Diango Hernandez (Author)
LOUIS BOTHA: A MAN APART by Steyn, Richard
Love and Fury by Margie Orford
Love by Toni Morrison
Love in the Time of AIDS : Inequality, Gender and Rights in South Africa by Mark Hunter
Love Interrupted by Malatji, R
Love Pandemic: New Poems by Salimah Valiani (Author)
Love's Labour's Lost by Shakespeare, William
Low-Speed Aerodynamics by Katz, Joseph
Lucan: De Bello Ciuili Book VII by Roche, Paul
Lucas Sithole, 1958-1979: A pictorial review of Africa's major Black sculptor by Haenggi, F. F
Lucy Williams by Lucy Williams
Luis Barragans Gardens of El Pedregal by Eggener Keith
Luka Jantjie by Kevin Shillington
Luxury Online: Styles, Systems, Strategies by Uché Okonkwo
Lyonel Feininger: Drawings and Watercolors by Peter Nisbet
Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
Machine Learning Refined : Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications by Watt, Jeremy
Machine Learning, Optimization, and Big Data by Nicosia, Giuseppe
Machines of War