We're open! Visit us on The Matrix on East Campus, Wits University.
Memory is the weapon by Don Mattera (Writer's inscription and signature)
Memory of Snow and of Dust by Breyten Breytenbach (Author)
Men and Masculinities in Selected Ghanaian Video Films by Wisdom Agorde (
Mendel's Principles of Heredity by Bateson, William
Mercy - Bare: Book 4 by Jackie Phamotse
Mess- Hlomu by Dudu Busani-Dube
Messy Morality : The Challenge of Politics by Coady, C. A. J.
Metal shelf
Metamorphosis & Other Stories by Kafka, F
Metamorphosis: Franz Kafka by Franz Kafka (Author), Michael Hoffman (Author)
Methods in Molecular Biophysics: Structure, Dynamics, Function for Biology and Medicine by Zaccai, Nathan R.
Methods of Barbarism? – S.B. Spies
Methods of Macroeconomic Dynamics - 2nd Edition by Stephen J. Turnovsky (Author)
Methods of Molecular Analysis in the Life Sciences by Andreas Hofmann
Methods of Statistical Physics by Tanaka, Tomoyasu
Mhudi by Plaatjie, S T
MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949 by Keith Jeffery
Miami: With Music from the Sunshine Stateby Gabriela Beck & Stefan Rambow
Miao Xiaochun: 2009-1999 by Uta Grosenick (Editor), Alexander Ochs (Editor), Miao Xiaochun (Artist), Siegfried Zielinski (Contributor), Gregor Jansen (Contributor)
Michael Jackson: The Magic, the Madness, the Whole Story by J. Randy Taraborrelli (Author)
Micro- and Nanoscale Fluid Mechanics : Transport in Microfluidic Devices by Brian J. Kirby
Microarrays and Gene Expression by Baldi, Pierre
Microeconometrics : Methods and Applications by Cameron, A. Colin
Microeconomic Analysis, Third Edition by by Hal R. Varian
Microelectronic Circuit Analysis and Design by Donald Neamen (VERY GOOD CONDITION SECOND HAND)
Microsoft (R) Windows 8 : Complete by Hoisington, Corinne
Microsoft Visual Basic 2017 for Windows Applications : Introductory By Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft Visual C#: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming By Joyce Farrell
Microwave Engineering by Pozar, David M.
Middlemarch by George Eliot
Midlands by Jonny Steinberg
Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie