A Practical Guide to Using Econometrics, Global Edition by A. H. Studenmund
ISBN: 9781292154091
Pearson Education Limited, 19 Jan 2017
Paperback, 576 pages
For courses in Econometrics.
A Clear, PracticalIntroduction to Econometrics
Using Econometrics: APractical Guide offersstudents an innovative introduction to elementary econometrics. Throughreal-world examples and exercises, the book covers the topic of single-equationlinear regression analysis in an easily understandable format.
The SeventhEdition is appropriate for all levels: beginner econometric students,regression users seeking a refresher, and experienced practitioners who want aconvenient reference. Praised as one of the most important texts in the last 30years, the book retains its clarity and practicality in previous editions witha number of substantial improvements throughout.