The Human Face of the European Union by Ferreira, Nuno
ISBN: 9781107077225
Cambridge University Press, 01 January 2016
Hardback, 448 pages
The human face of the European Union : are eu law and policy humane enough? : an introduction / Nuno Ferreira -- A constitution of social governance for the European Union / Dagmar Schiek -- Safeguarding "critical social functions" post the global financial crisis / Dalvinder Singh -- Lisbon, via Stockholm, Strasbourg and Opinion 2/13 : prospects for citizen-centred protection of fundamental rights? / Noreen O'Meara -- Fundamental rights and humaneness in European private law : the case of health care / Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi and Adam McCann -- Changes and challenges go hand in hand : accessibility of the preliminary ruling procedure before an overloaded court within the area of freedom, security and justice post-lisbon / Agata B. Capik -- Union citizenship : placing limitations on a human-centred approach? / Stephanie Reynolds -- EU citizens' whimsical status : persons or actors on their way to full agency? / Peivi Neuvonen -- The roma and European Union citizenship : in search of a humane answer from the EU / Nuno Ferreira and Dora Kostakopoulou -- The humaneness of EU asylum law and policy / Dallal Stevens -- Stateless in Erope: the unbearable lightness of being an unperson in the EU / Julia Bradshaw -- "Human face" or no face? : the EU's approach to international security / Kamil Zwolski, Stephen Rozee and Christian Kaunert -- The development of new crisis management tools and their impact on human rights / Julia Schmidt -- Human rights conditionality in the EU GSP scheme : "a focus on those in need or a need to refocus"? / Samantha Velluti -- Politics, power and good intentions in the EU development policy / Dr Peivi Leino -- Towards a humanistic philosophy of the European Union / Dora Kostakopoulou