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Essential Endocrinology by Brook, Charles G. D.
Dalton's Introduction to Practical Animal Breeding by Willis, Malcolm B.
Commercializing Successful Biomedical Technologies: Basic Principles for the Development of Drugs, Diagnostics and Devices by Mehta, Shreefal S.
Biology and Pathology of Trophoblast by Moffett, Ashley
AIDS, Rhetoric, and Medical Knowledge by Preda, Alex
Bioscience Ethics by Pollard, Irina
Optimal High-Throughput Screening by Zhang, Xiaohua Douglas
Humanity's Burden by James L. A. Webb, Jr
District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries by Cheesbrough
Biological Sequence Analysis : Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids by Durbin, Richard
The Organic Codes: An Introduction to Semantic Biology by Barbieri, Marcello
AIDS and Contemporary History by Berridge, Virginia
Long-term Consequences of Early Environment by Henry, C. Jeya K.
Musculoskeletal Anatomy Coloring Book by Muscolino, Joseph E.
The Worst of Evils by Dormandy, Thomas
The Drama of DNA: Narrative Genomics by Rothenberg, Karen H.
Theoretical Models in Biology by Rowe, Glenn
The Triumph of the Embryo by Wolpert, Lewis
Oxford Handbook of Nucleic Acid Structure by Neidle, Stephen
Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy: Volume I: Upper and Lower Limbs by Romanes, G. J.
Global Analysis on Foliated Spaces by Moore, Calvin C.
The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action by Richard B. Silverman
Biological Physics of the Developing Embryo by Gabor Forgacs & Stuart A. Newman
Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action by Richard B. Silverman
An Introduction to Plant Structure and Development : Plant Anatomy for the Twenty-First Century by Charles B. Beck
Differential Diagnosis and Management for the Chiropractor: Protocols and Algorithms by Thomas A. Souza
Medical Entomology for Students by Mike Service, Fifth Edition
Medical Terminology for Students of the Health Professions by Kritzinger, J P K et al
Biochemistry Two Volume Bundle by Garrett, R H & Grisham, C M
People Are Not The Same: Leprosy and Identity in Twentieth-Century Mali by Eric Silla