The Fall Of The University Of Cape Town - Africa's Leading University In Declineby David Benatar
ISBN: 9783982236438
Politicsweb Publishing, December 2021
Paperback, 497 pages
Destructive forces have been eroding the University of Cape Town, Africa’s leading university. This book tells the sad, true tale of what has been transpiring. It is a saga of lunacy, criminality, pandering, and identity politics. The mad and the bad – the deranged, deluded, the depraved – have been granted endless latitude in bullying and abusing others.
The decline began in 2015 with the Rhodes Must Fall protest that resulted in the offending statue’s removal within a month, and which spawned similar protests abroad. Emboldened by their local success, the protestors issued new and ever-increasing demands later that year and then again in 2016 and 2017. Their methods also became criminal – including intimidation, assault, and arson. The university leadership capitulated to this behaviour, and this fostered a broader and now pervasive toxic environment within the institution.
These developments offer important lessons for universities around the world that are yielding to the forces of a faux “progressivism”