Career Psychology in the South African Context 3/E by Stead GB, Watson MB
ISBN: 9780627033872
Van Schaik Publishers | 2017
Paperback | 244 pages
To date, academics, practitioners and students in South Africa interested in career psychology have had to rely largely on textbooks from the US and Europe. However, politics, economics and prevailing social conditions have had a major influence on the nature, form and direction of this field in South Africa, and while many of these are excellent references, they understandably focus on issues relevant to their own environment. Career psychology in the South African context examines historical and state of-the-art career practices in career psychology, particularly in relation to conditions in this country.
Career psychology in the South African context provides descriptive and critical analyses of career theories and current thought on career development, referring to many published articles both in South Africa and abroad. It gives a South African perspective on the process of career choice, and considers which aspects of overseas practice can be applied locally and which aspects require further research. Additional chapters in this edition include life design, unemployment and the influence of poverty on career choice.
Contents include the following:
- The emergence of career psychology in South Africa: a socio-historical perspective
- An overview of career theory
- Vocational personalities in work environments: perspectives on Holland’s theory
- The career development theory of Donald Super
- Career development and Systems Theory
- Career counselling practice
- Career decision-making and career indecision
- Career assessment
- Women and career development
- Indigenisation of career psychology in South Africa
Career psychology in the South African context is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as career practitioners, psychologists, educationists and teacher counsellors.