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All books are R50.00.
In the Twilight of the Revolution: The Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (South Africa) 1959-1994 by Kwandiwe Kondlo
Inner Drives by Pamela Jaye Smith (Author)
Interprofessional Ethics: Collaboration in the Social, Health and Human Services by Donna McAuliffe
Julius Caesar (The New Cambridge Shakespeare) by Shakespeare, William
Karoo Keepsakes by Chris Marais and Julienne du Toit
King Lear by William Shakespeare
King Richard II by Shakespeare, William
L'Anconitana: The Woman from Ancona (Biblioteca Italiana) (Volume 7) by Ruzante
Let Us Live for Our Children: The Teachers' League of South Africa, 1913 - 1940 by Mohamed Adhikari
Literature and Language Teaching: A Guide for Teachers and Trainers by Gillian Lazar
Lluis Bussé: Barcelona's Multiverse by Lluis Bussé
Looking Back, Reaching Forward: Reflections on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa by Charles Villa-Vincencio
Luxury Online: Styles, Systems, Strategies by Uché Okonkwo
Managing Public Money: A System from the South by JC Pauw, Gavin Woods,GJA van der Linde, David Fourie, and CB Visser
Mandela, Tambo and the African National Congress: The Struggle Against Apartheid, 1948-1990 by S. Johns, R. Hunt Davis
Mapping Worlds: Understanding Worlds: Setting Off for the Present by Andreas Baur, and Christine Baus
Mathematical Modelling in One Dimension: An Introduction via Difference and Differential Equations by Banasiak, Jacek
Mathematics for Economics and Business: An Interactive Introduction by Jean Soper
Modern Perspectives in Western Art History: An Anthology of 20th-century Writings on the Visual Arts (MART: The Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching) BY W. Eugene Kleinbauer
Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare, William
Not only for its beauty: Beadwork and its cultural significance among the Xhosa-speaking peoples by Dawn Costello
Novel Histories: Past, Present and Future in South African Fiction
Ordinary Differential Equations by Schroers, Bernd J.
Out of the Shadows: Managing self-employed, agency and outsourced workers by Patricia Leighton, Michel Syrett, Robert Hecker & Peter Holland
Oxford Dictionary of Zoology by Michael Allaby
People and Wildlife, Conflict or Co-existence? by Woodroffe, Rosie
Post-colonial Literature of Lusophone Africa by Patrick Chabal (Editor)
Principles of Contemporary Corporate Governance by Jean Jacques Du Plessis (Author), Anil Hargovan (Author), Mirko Bagaric (Author), Jason Harris (Author)
Prophets With Honour by Robert R. Edgar (Author)
Public Property by Sir Andrew Motion
Radical Desire by Mark Ramsden and Housk Randall