MEMOIRES ON THE SADC I SERVED by Salom�o, Tomaz Augusto
ISBN: 9789896701031
Escolar Editora 1 January 2019
234 pages
When, in 2005, I was appointed to the position of SADC Executive Secretary I got excited, being an economis, for I thought I would be lending my humble contribution in putting to the test the Economic Intergration Model adopted by SADC, which is underpinned in trade facilitation and infrastructure development. But I was wrong. In the eight years of my two terms (2005-2013), for ninety percent of the time I was seized with the conflicts and political instability in Lesotho, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar and Zimbabwe. But I do not have any regrets; on the contrary, such processes constituted a true school with daily lessons, the memories of which I will cherish for the rest of my life!
This is indeed what has compelled me to write this book, without any intent of lecturing, but rather to share, especially with the younger generations, the mistakes and setbacks of the region, and also to share what the region has accomplished and where it has excelled in this ever changing and evolving world.