Mechanics of Materials : A Modern Integration of Mechanics and Materials in Structural Design by Jenkins, Christopher
ISBN: 9780123838520
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc | 22 April 2005
Hardback | 408 pages
This book is the first to bridge the often disparate bodies of knowledge now known as applied mechanics and materials science. Using a very methodological process to introduce mechanics, materials, and design issues in a manner called "total structural design", this book seeks a solution in "total design space" Features include:
* A generalized design template for solving structural design problems.
* Every chapter first introduces mechanics concepts through deformation, equilibrium, and energy considerations. Then the constitutive nature of the chapter topic is presented, followed by a link between mechanics and materials concepts. Details of analysis and materials selection are subsequently discussed.
* A concluding example design problem is provided in most chapters, so that students may get a sense of how mechanics and materials come together in the design of a real structure.
* Exercises are provided that are germane to aerospace, civil, and mechanical engineering applications, and include both deterministic and design-type problems.
* Accompanying website contains a wealth of information complementary to this text, including a set of virtual labs. Separate site areas are available for the instructor and students.