Phytochemistry of Fruits and Vegetables by Tomas-Barberan, F. A.
ISBN: 9780198577904
Clarendon Press | 01 January 1997
Hardback | 398 pages
This is the first book to review the chemistry and biochemistry of fruits and vegetables. It addresses the highly topical questions of the role of fresh fruits and vegetables in a healthy well balanced diet, and in the prevention of cancer and coronary diseases. Recent advances in genetic engineering and in the chemistry and biochemistry of fruit and vegetables have radically changed our understanding of the mechanisms underlying these processes, and the potential for modification of the products themselves. The main focus of the book is on the secondary metabolites which are responsible for quality characteristics including colour, aroma, and flavour; their nutritional importance and role in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The book explores how the different post-harvest technological treatments to which these commodities are submitted can cause changes in secondary metabolism, with consequences for the quality of the product.