Gender, Generation and Identity in Contemporary Russia :   by Pilkington, Hilary

Gender, Generation and Identity in Contemporary Russia : by Pilkington, Hilary

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ISBN: 9780415135443

Routledge| 16 August 1996

Paperback |306 pages


This book explores the lives and expectations of young women in the new Russia, looking at the enormous changes that the new social and economic environment have brought.
The authors draw on the growing literature on gender and generation in the West which has arisen as a result of the recognition that the experience of youth is classed, raced and gendered and that the experience of gender is mediated by class, race, ethnicity, sexuality and age. They consider the role of the media, state and social institutions in shaping opportunities and experiences in the post-Soviet environment, focusing on the strategies employed by individual women to reforge social identities in a society in which they have been dislocated more acutely than in any other `postmodern' society.