Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by Edwards, Philip
ISBN: 9780521532525
Cambridge University Press, 01 May 2003
Paperback, 272 pages
Philip Edwards deals succinctly with the exhaustive commentary and controversy which Hamlet has provoked in the manifestation of its tragic energy. Robert Hapgood has contributed a new section on prevailing critical and performance approaches to the play in this updated edition. He discusses recent film and stage performances and actors of the Hamlet role as well as directors of the play. His account of new scholarship stresses the role of memory in the play and the impact of feminist and performance studies upon it. First Edition Hb (1985): 0-521-22151-X First Edition Pb (1985): 0-521-29366-9
Editorial Reviews
'The introduction and commentary reveal an author with a lively awareness of the importance of perceiving the play as a theatrical document, one which comes to life, which is completed only in performance.' The Review of English Studies
Book Description
This second edition of Hamlet features a new section on recent dramatic and critical interpretations.