Teaching English Spelling by Shemesh, Ruth

Teaching English Spelling by Shemesh, Ruth

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Cambridge University Press, 01 January 2000

Paperback 296 PAGES

This is a resource book of activities for practising common spelling patterns in English. The materials are suitable for both first language and second or foreign language contexts and contain activities to use with different proficiency levels.The book is divided into units with most units examining one phonemic sound . Each unit is then broken down into three to five easy-to-follow lesson plans devoted to a different choice of letter for the sound being studied.Teaching English Spelling contains:- detailed lesson plans which encourage student involvement- listening activities to develop awareness of sound-to-spelling patterns- a wide variety of enjoyable photocopiable activities such as crosswords picture matching, puzzles and rhymes at three language proficiency levels- answer pages- suggested test words for each spelling pattern, also at three levels.