The Good Lawyer by Evans, Adrian
Cambridge University, Press 01 January 2014
Paperback 232 PAGES
The Good Lawyer explores the ethical and professional challenges that confront people who work in the law - or are considering it - and offers principled and pragmatic advice about how to overcome such challenges. This book takes a holistic approach that begins with your innate humanity. It urges you to examine your motives for seeking a career in law, to foster a deep understanding of what it means to be 'good', and to draw on your virtue and judgement when difficult choices arise, rather than relying on compliance with rules or codes. The Good Lawyer analyses four important areas of legal ethics - truth and deception, professional secrets, conflicts of interest, and professional competence - and explains the choices that are available when determining a course of moral action. It links theory to practice, and includes many examples, diagrams and source documents to illustrate ethical concepts, scenarios and decision making.