An Interactive Introduction to Mathematical Analysis by Lewin, Jonathan
ISBN: 9781107694040
Cambridge University Press, 01 January 2014
Paperback, 526 pages
This book provides a rigorous course in the calculus of functions of a real variable. Its gentle approach, particularly in its early chapters, makes it especially suitable for students who are not headed for graduate school. For those who are, this book gives an opportunity to engage in a penetrating study of real analysis. The companion onscreen version of this text contains hundreds of links to alternative approaches, more complete explanations and solutions to exercises; links that make it more friendly than any printed book could be. In addition, there are links to a wealth of optional material that an instructor can select for a more advanced course, and that students can use as a reference long after their first course has ended. The CD provides exercises that can be worked interactively with the help of the computer algebra systems that are bundled with Scientific Notebook.