International Relations Theory: The Game-Theoretic Approach by Kydd, Andrew H.
Cambridge University Press, 16 March 2015
Paperback, 249 PAGES
Written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, this is the first textbook on international relations theory to take a specifically game-theoretic approach to the subject, and provide the material needed for students to understand the subject thoroughly, from its basic foundations to more complex models. International relations theory is presented and analysed using simple games, which allow students to grasp the concepts and mechanisms involved with the rationalist approach without the distraction of complicated mathematics. Chapter exercises reinforce key concepts and guide students to extend the models discussed. Drawing examples from international security, international political economy, and environmental negotiations, this introductory textbook examines a broad array of topics in international relations courses, including state preferences, normal form games, bargaining, uncertainty and communication, multilateral cooperation, and the impact of domestic politics.
Editorial Reviews
"Kydd provides a beautifully clear and thorough development of the central theoretical ideas and arguments of international relations theory, from a strategic perspective. This is a very useful book."
James D. Fearon, Geballe Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University, California
"This is the book I always wished I had for my course, "Theories of International Relations". It presents the workhorse models of the field clearly and concisely, including everything the student needs to know, but without unnecessary flourishes. Undergraduates will appreciate the introductory sections that ground the models in the substantive concerns of international politics, and more advanced students will find it a useful reference."
Randall W. Stone, University of Rochester, New York
"To understand international politics, one needs to know what states believe and want and to what positions they commit themselves in the endless bargain with other nations. This important textbook introduces concisely, and with great elegance, the elementary algebra of global decision making. International Relations Theory is a great achievement and tremendous service to a discipline that still struggles to grasp the often tragic nature of world affairs."
Gerald Schneider, International Relations Chair, University of Konstanz, and President of the European Political Science Association (2013-2015)
Book Description
A new introduction to the game theoretic approach to international relations theory for advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
About the Author
Andrew H. Kydd is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin where he teaches courses on international relations theory, game theory and international relations, nuclear weapons and world politics, terrorism and conflict resolution. He has published articles in the American Political Science Review, International Organization, World Politics, and International Security, and his first book, Trust and Mistrust in International Relations, won the 2006 Conflict Processes Best Book Award.