THE SOWETO UPRISINGS by Ndlovu, Sifiso Mxolisi
ISBN: 9781770105010
Picador Africa 22 May 2017
151 pages
When the Soweto uprisings of June 1976 took place, Sifiso Mxolisi Ndlovu, the author of this book, was a 14-year-old pupil at Phefeni Junior Secondary School. With his classmates, he was among the active participants in the protest action against the use of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction. Contrary to the generally accepted views, both that the uprisings were 'spontaneous' and that there were bigger political players and student organisations behind the uprisings, Sifiso's book shows that this was not the case. Using newspaper articles, interviews with former fellow pupils and through his own personal account, Sifiso provides us with a 'counter-memory' of the momentous events of that time. This is an updated version of the book first published by Ravan Press in 1998. New material has been added, including an introduction to the new edition, as well as two new chapters analysing the historiography of the uprisings as well as reflecting on memory and commemoration as social, cultural and historical projects.