If You Keep Digging by Mopai, Keletso
ISBN: 9781928337812
Blackbird Books, 01 January 2019
Paperback, 172 pages
If You Keep Digging is a moving collection of short stories that is anessential addition to current and on-going discussions that affectthe youth including those around migration, gender, sexuality andidentity. The selection of stories highlights marginalised identities andlooks at the daily lives of people who may otherwise be forgottenor dismissed.'Monkeys' is a skilful commentary on domestic violence, toxicmasculinity, patriarchy (and how it is racialised), power dynamicsbetween white and black men and how children come to 'know'that they are white or black. 'Skinned', whose protagonist is awoman with albinism, is a powerful story about learning to acceptthat you deserve love when the world constantly tells you otherwise.In 'Fourteen' the author deftly demonstrates the ability to playwith concepts of time and reality. It is a compelling story aboutpotential and how one can feel unfulfilled despite having hopes andambitions.