All one horse: Fictions and images by Breyten Breytenbach (Author)
ISBN: 0947046240
Taurus (1990)
Soft Cover, 126 pages
Breytenbach is renowned both as an outstanding poet and essayist and as a leading Afrikaner opponent of the apartheid movement. The 27 snippets collected here rarely contain much in the way of character, dialog, or plot; often seem like surreal essays; and sometimes read like poetry. While some pieces are overtly political, most are philosophical..
"It is impossible to stop our ears against the excruciating power of what Breytenbach has to say.”Nadine Gordimer
"Obviously the greatest Afrikaner poet of this generation. . . . No one elevated the Boer language to such pure beauty and no one wielded it so devastatingly against the apartheid regime as its exiled poet Breyten Breytenbach.”The New Yorker