Business and Human Rights by Florian Wettstein (Author)
ISBN: 9781009158398
Publisher : Cambridge University Press; New edition (March 24, 2022)
Paperback : 450 pages
The first of its kind, this comprehensive interdisciplinary textbook in Business and Human Rights (BHR) connects and integrates themes, discussions, and issues in BHR from both legal and non-legal perspectives, and provides a solid foundation for cross-disciplinary conversations. It equips students, teachers, and scholars with the necessary knowledge to navigate and advance evolving BHR debates, and fosters a thorough understanding of the academic foundations, evolving policy spaces, and practical approaches in BHR. Short cases throughout translate conceptual insights into practical solutions. Study, reflection, and discussion questions help readers to consolidate and synthesize their understanding of the material and provide stimulating frameworks for debate in the classroom and beyond. The book features a collection of online resources to support students and instructors in their preparation for courses and assignments.