Capitalist Nigger by Chika Onyeani
ISBN: 9781868422708
Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers SA, 22 January 2007
Material: Paperback,
Capitalist Nigger excels as an explosive and jarring indictment of the Black Race. The book asserts that the Negroid Race, as naturally endowed as any other, is culpably a non-productive race. The Black Race is a consumer race and depends on other communities for its culture, its language, its feeding, and its clothing. Despite enormous natural resources, Blacks are economic slaves because they lack the ‘devil-may-care’ attitude and the ‘killer-instinct’ of the Caucasian, as well as the spider web economic mentality of the Asian. Capitalist Nigger contends that only as ‘Economic Warriors’, employing the ‘Spider Web Economic Doctrine’, can the Black Race escape from their victim mentality.