Don Juan by Lord Bryon
ISBN: 9780140422160
Penguin Classics, 01 February 1973
Soft cover, 768 pages
Byron’s exuberant masterpiece tells of the adventures of Don Juan, beginning with his illicit love affair at the age of sixteen in his native Spain and his subsequent exile to Italy. Following a dramatic shipwreck, his exploits take him to Greece, where he is sold as a slave, and to Russia, where he becomes a favorite of the Empress Catherine who sends him on to England. Written in ottava rima stanza form, Byron’s Don Juan blends high drama with earthy humor, outrageous satire of his contemporaries, and sharp mockery of Western societies, with England coming under particular attack.
This authoritative edition now includes a completely new and substantially longer introduction that discusses the mythology of the Byronic hero
Extensive annotation covers points of interest, selected variant readings, and the historical allusions Byron wove into his poem.