Geological Journeys by Nick Norman & Gavin Whitfield
ISBN: 9781770070622
Publisher : Struik Publishers; First Edition (July 27, 2006)
Paperback : 320 pages
Geological journeys - a traveller's guide to South Africa's rocks and landforms is an essential companion for car journeys. For those who wonder about the jaunty tilt of a mountain ahead, the unusual patterns of a road cutting, the colour and texture of the roadside soil, or the purpose of a distant minehead, this volume offers answers and explanations about features along all the major routes across South Africa, and some of the lesser, but geologically interesting, routes too. Also included are the three main metropolitan areas - Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban - so that city residents can understand the geological features surrounding them. Using familiar landmarks to pinpoint sites and subtle phenomena, the authors bring to light our rich geological heritage, its likely roots and often tumultuous history. Along the way, they also discuss the historical background, personalities and stories that relate to the landscape.