New African thinkers: Agenda 2063, drivers of change by Olga Bialostocka
ISBN: 9780796925602
HSRC Press, 30 March 2018
Soft cover, 160 pages
The African Union's Agenda 2063 is ambitious. It advocates for, among others,
equitable and people-centred growth and development;
eradication of poverty;
development of human capital;
creation of infrastructure and provision of public goods and services;
empowerment of women and youth;
promotion of peace and security, and the strengthening of democratic states, and
creating participatory and accountable governance institutions.
New African Thinkers: Agenda Africa, 2063 presents the thinking of emerging scholars on these critical issues - those on whose shoulders the responsibility rests for taking this agenda forward. The book will be an essential reference for researchers and educators who are interested in Africa's developmental path as designed in the Agenda 2063.