Not no place by Dorothee Kreutzfeldt, Bettina Malcomess
ISBN: 9781920196554
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd, 13 August 2013
Paperback | 256 pages
Bringing together a vast array of texts, essays, poetry, illustrations, and photographs, this volume vividly portrays the depth and identity of the city of Johannesburg. The subjective relationship to the city over time of this book's many contributors forms the main fabric of the work and is interwoven with selected excerpts, citations, and reflective pieces. The themes vary between the poetic and the concrete, the associative and descriptive. Many of the pieces contain spatial designations or references to movement; much of the personal narrative of the city takes the form of a conversation in letters, recollections, and emails. Ultimately what this book seeks to offer is a survey of historical and contemporary representations of the city collected over the course of its making, presenting a picture of life in Johannesburg that is not just textual, but something present and irreducible.