Organisational behaviour: Global and Southern African perspectives by S.P. Robbins et.al.
ISBN: 9781775951513
Prentice Hall, 01 March 2016
Soft cover, 792 pages
The third revised edition of Organisational Behaviour: Global and Southern African Perspectives is based on the best-selling 15th global edition by Stephen Robbins and Timothy Judge. This edition has been updated to reflect current research findings from a global and a local perspective, and looks at the individual, group and organisational levels.
Key features in this edition include:
A unique four-tier model explains the contextual issues and the challenges that South African organisations are facing.
Important terminology is explained in side notes and is included in a glossary.
Case incidents that look at the South African context are paired with questions to stimulate critical thinking and the application of theory.
Perennial issues in South African organisations, such as ethics and diversity, are integrated with other themes throughout the book.
There are a number of additions that stimulate critical thinking and application:
Updated local and international research data reflect current trends in organisational behaviour.
New relevant cases look at South African companies and the issues that today's organisations face.
Industry-specific examples are highlighted and dealt with in 'OB in the news', 'Myth or science', 'OB in a global context', 'From concepts to skills' and 'Point-counterpoint' discussions.
Summaries and sections on implications for managers emphasise the practical application of concepts in the workplace.
Questions for review, experiential exercises and ethical dilemmas stimulate student engagement.